Boot up Animal Crossings: New Horizons on June 1 and you’ll be greeted to a PSA from Isabella informing you that love is in the air. Finally. She’s hinting at the entire month of June being wedding season within the game, which means new stuff for you to do and, more importantly, new items for you to earn. 

The Gold Brooch Sisters Alison and Lorraine travelled from Dundee with a much-loved but broken gold brooch of a tiny bird that had once belonged to their great-grandmother and had lain in a box for the past

Elshad Nassirov, vice president of Azeri state energy company SOCAR, said on a conference call some of the energy infrastructure involved in shipping Caspian oil and gas to world markets is located in the vicinity of the current military operations.

What rewards can I get? Each day the couple will ask for a different theme and will give you a different item for helping them out. The first day you’re tasked with recreating a wedding ceremony, using items Reese helpfully prepared for you, with the reward being a Wedding Bench. The second day they’ll ask you to create a wedding reception set, and will hook you up with a Wedding Table for all the help. 

oing?’ Like everyone who watches it, though, I’ve fallen in love with the show. I think audiences have enjoyed seeing the team pull together to make something wonderful happen — and that’s been reflected in communities up and down th

itude. I was still in the US, preparing to return to the UK after my husband sadly passed away, when Steve joined the show in its first series in early 2017. He’d call me after filming and tell me what he’d been working on and how much he

What is Wedding Season? After listening to Isabella’s announcement, your virtual pocket will start buzzing. It’s Harv, whose nearby island you’ve probably visited. Housed on that island is a photo studio that’s been little more than a novelty, but now it’s being put to use. He says he needs a slight favor and that some «sweet folks» need their photos taken.

mily.’ For Jay, who is father to daughter Zola, 13, the premise of the show resonates on a very personal level.

Five years ago, his marriage broke down and he left his family home, temporarily sleeping rough in his car. He’s described that time as ‘hitting rock bottom’, admitting he came close to taking his life. To now find himself fronting a primetime BBC show is, he says

You’ll also earn Heart Crystals from Reese, the more she likes the set the more she’ll give you, which you can exchange with Cyrus for more christmas wedding goods. Each day, over a period of seven days, you’ll unlock new items. Here’s a complete list of them all:

As the 27 leaders scurried back to their hotels after a late, inconclusive dinner, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron stayed behind in the EU’s headquarters in Brussels to haggle with the Dutch-led camp of thrifty countries demanding cuts to the 1.8-trillion-euro package.

Libya’s internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) on Saturday moved fighters closer to Sirte, a gateway to Libya’s main oil terminals that the GNA says it plans to recapture from the eastern-based Libyan National Army (LNA).

Once you nip over to his island, you’ll see that the sweet folks in question are Reese and Cyrus, two alpacas you may or may not have met in the 3DS game Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It’s their anniversary, Harv tells you, and they’re after some celebratory photos. He’s got a studio but no props, and wants you to help them out by providing said props and styling their sets. 

care. ‘When a restored piece is handed to its owner, I struggle to hold back my emotions. It’s such a privilege to witness the joy of the owner and the bond formed in that moment between them and their expert, who has poured so much love into t

o Edo. Beatrice becomes the first ‘blood princess’ — as her father Andrew calls his two daughters — to become a stepmother. A friend said: ‘Bea is totally into the stepmum role.

She’s very concerned about getting it right and making every effort to be a second mother

Princess Beatrice wore the same tiara as her grandmother Queen Elizabeth at her wedding this week, Buckingham Palace said, releasing more details about the surprise, private ceremony that was scaled back because of the coronavirus pandemic.


Bea has always been really close to Edo’s family, so it’s natural that Wolfie should become part of hers. He’s a super little boy and extremely cute. It will be interesting to see what happens when they start their own family — but Bea is so caring, his happiness will always be her number one

time. My brother Steve, who is the clock specialist on The Repair Shop, was responsible for me joining the show’s team. We grew up in a very crafty home. Dad was a watchmaker who also loved photography and Mum made her ow

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said on Saturday that lockdown measures used to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus «kill» and have «suffocated» the country’s economy.

«Without salaries and jobs, people die,» he said referring to restrictions imposed by some states and municipalities. «Lockdown kills,» he added, saying that some politicians have suffocated the economy with forced curfews.